How To Help Your Horse With PEMF

I started my business nearly 3 years ago. At the time, little was known about pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy in the horse community in my area. One of my fellow boarders had been having it done on her pony, and I decided to try it on my then 17-year-old eventer, Saber. After the first session, I noticed an immediate difference in his way of going- he was much more relaxed under saddle, and movements that used to be difficult were suddenly much easier. I was hooked—I put him on a monthly schedule and watched him get better and better. I knew that I wanted to help other horses experience the benefits of PEMF therapy. I believed so much in its results that I took a chance by entering the growing field of complementary and alternative treatments. In October 2017 Shady Grove Magna Wave was born.

My background is as a Registered Nurse, therefore I am interested in the science and technology behind different treatment modalities. While Magna Wave Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy may sound like “hocus pocus,” I can assure you it’s not—although sometimes the results are pretty magical! Pulsed electromagnetic fields work at the cellular level to produce optimum cellular energy and health. The “charge,” or energy, of the cells can be increased by up to 500%. If we help the cells by supporting their natural ability to optimize body functions, we are creating one general result: wellness. Some of the benefits of PEMF therapy include: increased circulation & oxygenation, enhanced muscle function, decreased inflammation, decreased pain, increased range of motion, reduced recovery times, boosted immune system, improved healing of wounds, bone healing, and increased energy.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy is drug-free and non-invasive. I simply lay the coils over the horse’s body, working from poll to tail. The high-powered Magna Wave machines that I use have the ability to penetrate 16 inches, allowing me to access areas of the horse not as easily reached by other modalities. A full body session usually takes between 45-50 minutes. We are also able to directly target the joints or hooves of the horse at the end of the session.
Many horse owners are surprised that their horses allow the coils to be placed all over their body (even over their poll!), but the fact is they just can’t resist it! For many horses, it is an important way for them to release and relieve stress. This can be seen through yawning, licking and chewing, or simply closing their eyes and soaking it all in. Visit my Facebook page at: to see videos of how horses react and respond! More information on the science and technology of PEMF therapy can be found at:

The majority of horses I work on are active competitors in eventing, dressage, show jumping and barrel racing. Most are on a maintenance schedule with monthly treatments, sometimes with an additional session before an important show. Other “regulars” of mine include retired horses whose owners simply want to keep them comfortable and thank them for their service over the years; younger horses beginning to learn their jobs and growing into their bodies; and lesson horses & ponies (who arguably have the most difficult jobs of all!)

"Horses have won wars for us. They carried us on their backs into cannon fire. Horses don't say 'no' lightly, so if your horse is telling you that, I can say for sure there is something wrong." -Henk Offereins.

If you’ve been finding your horse is saying “no” to what you’ve been asking, have you considered that he may be physically uncomfortable? Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy is not only for high performance horses— it’s for every horse with a rider who wants harmony and relationship over conflict and difficulty. Scheduling a Magna Wave appointment can be one of the first steps towards helping your horse feel his best!

Since starting my business, I now have two additional Magna Wave Certified Practitioners who work with me to help as many horses as possible. We have collectively done over 1,000 treatments and our client base is growing every day! I look forward to spreading the word about this technology and all of its possibilities in improving healing and optimizing wellness for our equine partners.

We cover Montgomery County, Maryland, Calvert County, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and surrounding areas. If you'd like to start your own exciting PEMF service for horses, then get in contact with me!

About The Author
This is a guest post by Jaimie Pollock. Magna Wave Certified Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Practitioner.
  • Owner/Operator Shady Grove Magna Wave
  • Member of the Association of PEMF Practitioners
  • Registered Nurse
  • Doctoral Student in the Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Maryland
  • VoxxLife Practitioner & Sales Associate
  • Facebook:
  • Email:
  • Tel: 609-970-5924

Images courtesy of Tara K, LLC. Photographer is Tara Shegogue.
ShadyWave PEMF For Horses
ShadyWave Equine PEMF